Fried/Dried/Fresh Ramen & Rice Noodle Making Machine: China Heshan

▶️ Ramen Production Line
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Heshan® ramen noodle production lines make up to a million cups of ramen instant noodles per day! we built many similar turnkey plants in india, indonesia and germany.

▶️ Instant Ramen Noodle Line
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Heshan® ramen noodle production lines make up to a million cups of ramen instant noodles per day! we built many similar turnkey plants in india, indonesia and germany.

Heshan Machinery Co., Ltd., noodle machine manufacturer and turnkey plant builder, is aiming to provide the best fried instant noodles production line, easy to cook dry instant ramen noodle making machines (making dry Hakka noodle blocks and corrugated dry noodle blocks) and fresh instant noodle making machines (Udon noodle making machines), Italian pasta machines, and starch and rice vermicelli noodle making machines that make cellophane vermicelli glass noodles and rice jelly noodles from starch and flour of rice, mullet, mung bean, potato and cassava.

China Heshan® Fried Instant Noodle Production Line

The working principle of the instant noodle production line is to mix flour and water, and then press the dough into a thin sheet and cut it into pasta noodles. Slurry dough sheet spreading and slurry colandering methods are suitable to process starch and wet milled rice to make vermicelli glass noodles. Optionally pasta extrusion process can be used instead of aforementioned dough calendering, slurry spreading or colandering methods.

Heshan Machinery Co. Ltd. provides the fried/dried/fresh instant noodle production lines and turnkey plants that are highly reliable and fully automatic. Please feel free to contact us for further details. A video clip of our show case project is an automatic dry noodle processing line in Germany as is shown blow. The noodle making process includes dough processing, sheet rolling, noodle-cutting and wave-forming, steaming, noodle blocks shaping, and lastly, drying.

▶️ Dried Ramen Noodle Making Machines

We built this type of turnkey plants in Germany and many other countries including Myanmar, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

  +  Dough Mixing & Calendering

The dough mixing & calendering methods use dough mixer to knead the dough by stirring wheat flour or durum wheat semolina, saline water and other ingredients in an usually vacuumed container; and then the dough is calendered into a continuous dough sheet by rollers and cut into thin pasta noodles.

  +  Slurry Sheeting & Colandering

For rice noodle or starch vermicelli making, the dough slurry is spread to form a continuous sheet and after cooked and pre-dried, the pasta sheet is shredded into long product vermicelli or rice sticks, or short products such as rice ada flakes (▶️ Heshan rice ada production line). Some Asian mie, bihun products are made with a colander to drip the flowing lines of dough slurry, into boiling water.

  +  Heshan® Modern Extruders

Heshan's modern extruders with quick remount die plate which replace the aforementioned methods of dough sheet calendering, slurry sheet spreading and slurry colandering, can process a variety of grains flour and starch to make traditional fresh or dry vermicelli noodles, and modern instant noodles.

  +  Final Product Processing

The products are optionally steamed (e.g. Heshan® instant noodle steaming machine) or boiled and the fresh wet noodles can be the final products; they can be dehydrated via deep-frying or heated-air-drying, and turned into dry products. There are also dried and fresh wet products that are uncooked. Heshan® stick noodles production line makes uncooked dried noodles that are convenient to use and taste exactly the same as the traditional Italian and Chinese sun-dried-spaghetti stick noodles.

Instant Noodles Making Machine
- An Introduction To Heshan® Ramen Noodle Making Machinery

In every step of the production process, Heshan noodle machinery uses advanced technology. There are two major types of instant noodle processing lines: one uses the deep frying process and the complete set of noodles making machine is known as fried instant noodles production line; the other uses hot air drying process and the noodle line is called non-fried instant noodles production line. On the other hands, dry rice vermicelli noodles are always produced using hot air drying methods. Heshan is one of the earliest manufacturers to provide automatic instant rice vermicelli noodles production line. If the wet fresh noodles, usually refrigerated are to be sold directly, you can use our fresh instant noodles production line.

  +  Fried Instant Ramen Noodle Making Machine

▶️ Fried Instant Ramen Noodle Making Machine

We are fried instant noodles making machine manufacturer and our machines use high temperature to fry the noodles to remove moisture, making it possible to completely dehydrate the noodles. Moreover, after frying, it also forms a sort of micro-structure on the surface of the noodles, so that the dry noodles are easier to rehydrate when they are brewed in hot water. We have built many turnkey plants with our instant noodles making machine installed in China, India and all over the world.

Features Of The Heshan® Fried Instant Noodle Processing Machines:

  • Fully automatic control system using Siemens PLC.
  • Vacuum or normal pressure dough mixers available according to customers' requirement.
  • Each pair of compound rollers and continuous rollers is individually controlled by PLC.
  • Single layer or multi-layer noodle steamers are available according to customers' requirement.
  • Efficient frying oil circulation and proper temperature zoning to produce perfect dehydrated noodles of proper micro-structure.
  • Fully automatic cup/bag noodle packaging lines are available.
  • The Heshan® fried instant noodle processing machines assembly makes up to a million cups/packs of noodles per day.

Heshan® instant noodles production line is a complete set of highly automatic noodle processing machines that can produce up to a million cups or bags of instant noodles per day. Only two operators are needed to run a Heshan instant noodles production line.

Both fried instant noodles and non-fried instant noodles must go through the pressing and cutting process during the production process. However, the difference in the final drying method creates the distinction between "fried" and "non-fried". Fried instant noodles are made by steaming and frying shredded noodles to fix the shape of the noodles; non-fried instant noodles are generally made by micro-expanding or hot air drying processes.

From the perspective of production process, the difference between fried and non-fried instant noodle processing is mainly reflected in the "drying" process. The former is frying while the latter uses hot air drying process.

In terms of texture and taste, fried instant noodles, after rehydration have a soft texture and rich flavor; non-fried instant noodles have a light texture and are not oily when eaten. The main nutrients in instant noodles are carbohydrates and protein. Whether it is fried instant noodles or non-fried instant noodles, there is not much difference in the content of these two categories; but there is a difference in moisture content and fat content. The moisture content of fried instant noodles is less than 10% and the fat content is about 20%; the moisture content of non-fried instant noodles is about 14.5% and the fat content is 4%-5%.

  +  Dried Instant Ramen Noodle Making Machine

▶️ Pressure Precooked Dried Hakka Noodle Line

We built several turnkey plants of this type in India and Germany.

Heshan is one of the earliest non-fried instant noodles making machine manufacturer. The processing line uses hot air to "blow-dry" the precooked noodles instead of frying them. We provide two types of non-fried instant noodle making machines: one with a drying temperature of around 80 degrees Celsius, used to produce easy-to-cook instant noodles, and the other uses specially designed steaming and drying process to produce instant noodles that can be rehydrated and ready to eat by soaking the dry noodle block in hot water for 5 minutes.

Features of Heshan® heated-air-dried instant noodle line:

  • Optional Pressure Cooking Process to improve the product texture and palatability.
  • Fully automatic control system using Siemens PLC.
  • Non-fried instant noodles are better for health.
  • Hot air dehydration does not require cooking oil, the production cost is relatively low, and there is no problem of oxidation and deterioration of oil components during the storage period of instant noodles.
  • Mechanical vibrating dough blocks are automatically shaped or pneumatic dough blocks are automatically shaped, which saves a lot of manpower in manually sorting the dough blocks before drying.
  • The entire production process is highly automated.

The non-fried dry hakka instant noodles making machine assembly features the batch high pressure steaming unit operation consists of the steps of dough kneading, dough setting, compound and continuous dough sheet rolling/pressing, noodle strips slitting, noodle strips length cutting and noodle blocks boxing, steaming trays stacking, batch pressure cooking, heated-air-drying, cooling, finally packaging. The complete set of the hakka noodles making machine is either fully automated such as dough making and noodle strips cutting, or manually assisted mechanized operation like the loading the layer stacks of noodle tray arrays into the pressure cookers.

In the dry hokka noodles production line, flour and water are mixed, and after automatic dough making, dough resting, compound pressing and continuous rolling to form the dough sheet, which is cut into noodle shreds and automatically put inside the plastic boxes; after stacking, they are sent into the high pressure steamers of the instant noodles making machine assembly. After steaming for 2 or 3 Minutes, the stretchiness and flexibility of the steamed noodles are significantly increased and products are more thoroughly sterilized, extending the shelf life. After the noodles are steamed, they are placed in the metal noodle boxes, which carry the noodles into the heated-air dryer for drying. The drying time is about 40 minutes. Output capacity of one hakka instant noodle dryer is from 250 kg to 1200 kg per hour.

Due to the use of autoclave cooking unit in the instant noodle processing machine assembly, the degree of starch ɑ gelatinization is effectively improved. Therefore, the resulting products have a beautiful appearance, slightly yellowish and semitransparent; the re-hydrated or cooked noodles are very appetizing because they have an elastic and refreshing texture; and the noodle soup is not turbid.

  +  Fresh Instant Ramen Noodle Making Machine

▶️ Precooked Fresh Noodles Line

Heshan provides the fresh, dry and fried instant noodles production line. Our fresh instant noodle processing machines include automatic feeding machine, vacuum or normal pressure dough mixing machine, precooking machines of continuous steaming or boiling, and cooling machine. The process is fully automatic. The fresh noodles produced by our fresh instant noodle processing machines are fresh, refreshing and nicely chewy.

  +  Rice Vermcelli & Pasta Extruder

▶️ Heshan® Rice Vermicelli Line

This is our recent Turnkey plant in Myanmar featuring the vermicelli extruder with quick-remount mechanism for die plate assembling. Similar process is used to make East Indian dry rice ada flake and We built the world's first automatic rice ada factory in Kerala, India:

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Extrusion process is suitable to process almost all grains to make Asian glass vermicelli noodles and wheat ramen noodles. Heshan® Pasta Extruders are with the fast remount die plate that can be replaced within 15 minutes. They are suitable for making starch/rice vermicelli noodles, wheat ramen noodles and Italian durum wheat semolina spaghetti and macaroni pasta. There is a trend in China to use extrusion process to make non-fried instant noodles. The extruded non-fried instant noodles are positively accepted in the market, made by instant noodles production line featuring extrusion technology.

The die plates of the extruders of our rice vermicelli machines and wheat noodle machines can be quickly disassembled and assembled from the side installation port. Most our competitors require manual removal of several screws from the bottom before the rice noodles making machine die plate can be removed. Disassembly and assembly are very labor-intensive (it takes about 1 Hour). Our rice noodles making machine extruders are equiped with an easy-to-pull-out die plate and a special pulling-out-mechanism that can automatically replace the rice noodles making machine extruder die plate. The procedure can be completed in about 10 minutes. The rice noodles making machine extruder dies are often clogged with the feed debris so that die plate needs to be replaced regularly. Therefore, rice noodle factories urgently need to solve this problem. Our rice noodle extruders with the easy-to-pull-out die plates were developed under this situation.

▶️ Heshan® Pasta Extruder
▶️ Starch/Rice Vermicelli Lines

We make modern pasta extruders that are suitable for Asian rice vermicelli and ramen noodles making, as well as for Italian spaghetti and macaroni pasta production.

Updates Of Heshan Ramen Noodle Making Machinery

  +  Recent Project Showcases

▶️ Recent Projects Showcase Video Playlist

Recent noodle machinery projects: extruder type rice vermicelli / rice stick lines, coated fried peanuts lines, fresh noodle line, and more...

  +  Coated Peanuts Frying Machine

▶️ Coated-and-fried Peanuts Processing Line

🌐 Coated Fried Peanuts Processing Line Homepage

PDF File: coated-peanuts-production-line.pdf

The automatic snack coating machine is for the coating snack foods such as: peanut, green beans, broad beans, melon seeds, cashews, macadamia nuts and etc. which to be wrapped with flour before frying or baking processing. It can also be wrapped in different flavors (spicy, cumin, tomato, barbecue, mustard, chocolate, etc.), changing the nut flavor and taste but rich variety to satisfy people's individual needs for nut products.

We constructed lots of snack frying processing lines in India and Nigeria, including automatic chin chin production lines and automatic coated peanuts frying lines.

  +  Extruded Dried Noodles Line

▶️ High Temperature Extrusion Non-Fried Instant Ramen Noodle Making Machine

Heshan® extruded non-fried instant noodles production line integrates automatic dough kneading, feeding, and AI controlled extrusion. The complete process, including noodle cooling and conveying, automatic strip cutting, automatic lifting and conveying are all under centralized PLC automatic control. The process features humidification before length cutting, automatic drying, automatic noodles placement in drying boxes and pneumatic noodle block shaping. This instant noodles production line automatically makes non-fried instant noodles from material feeding to finished product delivery and packaging. ▶️ Watch on YouTube ...

Heshan® Ramen Noodle Making Machinery: Instant Noodles Production Line

  +  Turnkey Noodles Plant

Heshan® Instant Noodles Production Line Video Archive:

  ▶️  Watch On YouTube

  +  Specifications Of Heshan® Machines

  📄  Heshan® Noodle Line Specifications

  +  Unit Operation

  • Flour And Grain Conveying Systems, Liquid Storage Containers And Automatic Dosing Systems

    This instant machines are for the material handling in the ramen instant noodles production line, as well as for all our other noodle and vermicelli processing lines. We provide pneumatic and screw conveyors, alkaline solution and food additive tanks, and dosing systems for this purpose.
  • Machines For Dough Mixing, Kneading, Dough Sheet Calendering And Noodle Cutting

    Dough mixing and kneading is the first step of ramen noodle processing. After mixing, sitting and maturing, the dough is rolled into a continuous dough sheet, which is shredded into noodle strips. We provide both vacuum dough mixers and normal pressure dough mixers. These machines are for our main stream ramen instant noodles production line.
  • Starch/Rice Vermicelli And Pasta Ramen Extruders

    Extrusion process is suitable to process almost all grains to make Asian glass vermicelli noodles and wheat ramen noodles. Our extruders are with fast mount die plate that can be replaced within 15 minutes. They are suitable for starch/rice vermicelli noodle production lines and non-fried wheat instant ramen noodle production lines.
  • Dough Sitting & Maturing, Vermicelli Aging Machines

    The dough aging machine is a container with slow stirring device. The vermicelli aging machine is multi-layer conveyor systems with a designated total residence time. For batch operation instant noodles production line, we provide starch/rice sheet roll-up machines. You can roll the sheets into rolls to sit aside for them to mature.
  • Noodle And Vermicelli Steaming Cooking Machines

    We provide both multi-layer steamers and single layer steamers for the fried and hot-air-dried instant noodles making machine assembly. Boiling cookers are usually for the precooked fresh instant noodles production line. Pressure steamers can be used to improve noodle and vermicelli product texture and they are usually a part of the rice vermicelli noodle production line. Non-fried instant noodles can also be made by noodle processing line with pressure cookers.
  • Deep Fryer And Heated-air-dryer

    Deep fryers and heated-air-dryers dehydrate the vermicelli and noodles so that they can be stored for years in room temperature without deterioration in product qualities. They are the core of the fried instant noodles production line.
  • Product Cooling Machines

    We provide cooling chambers to cool the food stuff during processing and for final product cooling before packaging. These are enclosed or opened conveyor systems with cooling fans installed.

Heshan® Noodle Line Datasheets

Contact Heshan Machinery


🏡  Heshan Machinery Co., Ltd.
2 Industry Avenue, Guandu Industry Zone Zhanjiang,
Guangdong P. R. China
中国 广东省 湛江市 官渡工业区 工业大道 2号 邮编 524051
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